Register online

Register as a member, reap the rewards

Still not registered as a member? Why wait? Logging on to our website tells us who you are so that we can tailor services specifically to you. We’ll tell you what vocational awards are about to expire and let you update your contact information. And now, leadership members can recertify online.

To register at, click LOGIN on the right navigation menu.
  1. Click on Register.
  2. Enter your name, email address and create a password.
  3. Link your account to your Lifesaving Society member record.
  • Select Ontario as your Province.
  • Enter your Lifesaving Society Member ID (a six-digit code found in the bottom right corner of all your certification cards).
  • Enter your web Access Code (an eight-digit code found on the tear-off portion of all of your certification cards.  Or, call us to verify your identity, and we’ll provide your web access code over the phone.
If you have any problems don’t hesitate to give us a call at 416.490.8844 or send an email to