For those interested in evaluating operational safety standards for aquatic facilities, Aquatic Safety Inspector certification provides a strong understanding of the regulations, protocols and guidelines that apply to the operation of aquatic facilities. Participants apply knowledge learned in the class through hands-on inspections using Society Inspection checklists.
Prerequisite: None.
Instruction & certification: Current Aquatic Safety Inspector Instructors teach and certify candidates.
Candidate recognition: Certification card.
Required reference material: Aquatic Safety Inspector Workbook, Guide to Ontario Public Pools Regulation. Aquatic Safety Inspector candidates should also have Ontario Waterfront Safety Standards for on-course reference. (Note that some affiliates provide materials to candidates, and some require candidates to purchase materials on their own. Double check before you purchase.)
Instructional format: Aquatic Safety Inspector may be delivered through in-person or blended learning.
Instructional time (12 hr. classroom): Actual time needed may vary depending on course format, number of candidates and the learning activities selected. Additional set-up time (approx. 2 hr.) is required prior to the start of the course. One and a half day formats are common for in-person courses. Breaks require additional time. Based on 12–16 candidates.

Required equipment: For in-person delivery – classroom supplies such as tables, chairs, flip charts, markers, masking tape, A/V equipment, safety inspection kits. On-deck sessions require shoe covers (e.g., booties). For online delivery – computer screen with camera and audio set up required. Consideration should be given to the use of multiple screens to support delivery of the program.
Recertification: Aquatic Safety Inspector is current for 24 months from date of certification. Aquatic Safety Inspector is recertified by successfully completing an Aquatic Safety Inspector recertification course.
Fees: The Lifesaving Society exam fee applies to successful and unsuccessful candidates alike.