The Junior Lifeguard Club (JLC) offers a unique aquatic alternative to traditional test-sheet-based aquatic programs and is independent of traditional award progressions. JLC is for quick learners and those between levels or programs who thrive in an energetic learning environment. Members can be any age between 8 and 15 years.

Action Packed fun
More action, more options, more fun. The Junior Lifeguard Club offers a unique aquatic alternative for those kids who love the water and who want more than "lessons."
The Junior Lifeguard Club keeps kids interested and active in aquatics - especially quick learners and those caught between levels. The Junior Lifeguard Club is perfect for youth who thrive in an energetic learning environment.
The JLC stresses fun and aquatic skill development based on personalbest achievement. Building on skills they already have, JLC members work to develop and improve swimming and other aquatic skills with emphasis on: swim and lifesaving knowledge, leadership and teamwork, community education, competition and personal fitness.
The Junior Lifeguard Club is water-based - most of the activities happen in the water. These activities may be supplemented with dry-land fun or community education projects, displays and demonstrations.
The Junior Lifeguard Club is designed for members of all abilities. Friends (and siblings) can join the Junior Lifeguard Club together even if they are of different ages and different abilities.
The Club welcomes members between 8 and 15 years of age as long as they can meet the Society's Swim to Survive® standard, i.e., roll into deep water, tread water for 1 minute and swim at least 50 metres.
There is no "failure" in the Junior Lifeguard Club. Members enjoy high activity challenges in a learning environment where personal effort and success are recognized.
WaterLog: Club members - and their parents - can track individual progress in aquatic skills, lifesaving knowledge and activities that promote both leadership and teamwork in their personal Waterlog using recognition seals.
You can earn 7 different kinds of Recognition Seals for:
- Community Education
- Leadership/Teamwork
- Lifesaving Knowledge
- Lifesaving Skills
- Swimming Skills
- Fitness
- Competition
You can also earn Lifesaving Awards without leaving the Club:
- Canadian Swim Patrol Awards - Rookie Patrol, Ranger Patrol, Star Patrol
The Junior Lifeguard Club is led by a coach. The JLC coach must:
- be a current Lifesaving Instructor
- hold a current lifeguard certificate
- have lifeguarding experience
Ideally, the JLC coach:
- is a certified Lifesaving Sport Coach Level 1
- has coaching and Lifesaving Sport experience
There are no test sheets and a minimum of paperwork in the Junior Lifeguard Club.
Each Junior Lifeguard Club Member must have a WaterLog. Affiliate members purchase Junior Lifeguard Club WaterLogs, the Recognition Seals and Award Seals from the Lifesaving Society.
Junior Lifeguard Club Members receive their WaterLogs from the affiliate when they join the Club. The Club member mails the Club Member Registration Card (found in the WaterLog) to the Lifesaving Society's office to register their membership in the Junior Lifeguard Club. The Society mails the Junior Lifeguard Club Membership Seal - to be affixed to the inside front cover of the WaterLog - directly to each member.