Ontario Championships

Age Group Competition

Competitors in the Ontario Junior Lifeguard Games must be less than 17 years of age and be able to swim 50 m freestyle and tread water for 1 minute. Competitors must be members of a Junior Lifeguard or Lifesaving Club, or hold a Lifesaving Society award, or be currently enrolled in a Lifesaving Society program.

Competitors compete in Male and Female age group categories:

  • 7-9 yr.
  • 10 & 11 yr.
  • 12 & 13 yr.
  • 14 & 15 yr.
  • 16 yr.

Ontario Junior Lifesaving Championships - Pool

Stay tuned for 2025 information!

Ontario Junior Lifesaving Championship - Waterfront

Senior Competition

Senior competitors must be at least 14 years of age as of the first day of the championships, hold a current Lifesaving Society Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross or National Lifeguard certification, and be a registered athlete.


Ontario Lifesaving Championships - Pool

Stay tuned for 2025 information!

Ontario Lifesaving Championships - Waterfront

Ontario Lifeguard Championships

Stay tuned for 2025 information!

Masters Competition

Masters competitors must be at least 30 years of age as of the first day of the championships, hold a Lifesaving Society Bronze Medallion or higher (need not be current), and are not required to be a registered athlete. Masters compete in male or female age categories: 30-39 years, 40-49 years, 50-59 years, 60 years and older.


Ontario Lifesaving Championships - Pool

See Senior Competition above.

Ontario Lifesaving Championships - Waterfront