National Lifeguard IT

National Lifeguard Instructor Trainers teach, evaluate and certify National Lifeguard Instructor candidates. They may also teach the Lifesaving Society Examiner course.

Prerequisites to certification: Certification and experience as a National Lifeguard Instructor and National Lifeguard Examiner. Do you have the prerequisites?

Trainer course: Successful completion of the Lifesaving Society's 16 hr. Trainer course. This checklist identifies the learning outcomes you must achieve to be successful on the course.

Apprenticeship: Apprentice with an experienced National Lifeguard Instructor Trainer on a National Lifeguard Instructor course, and submission of your completed National Lifeguard Instructor Trainer Training Record with the certification fee to the Society's office.

Required references: Trainer Manual, National Lifeguard Instructor Award Guide, National Lifeguard Award GuideAlert: Lifeguarding in Action, National Lifeguard Instructor Trainer Training Record. (Note that some affiliates provide materials to candidates, and some require candidates to purchase materials on their own. Double check before you purchase.)

Costs: In addition to the required reference materials, a certification fee is payable to the Lifesaving Society and submitted with your Training Record. Organizers will charge a fee to cover the cost of running the Trainer course.

Recertification: Only current Trainers may teach and certify National Lifeguard Instructor candidates. Remain current by recertifying within 24 months of the last certification date. Recertification is through the Lifesaving Society professional development credit system. Is it time to recertify?